Sunday, August 9, 2009

2109: firefly city

here's my illustration of a city in the year 2109.. this was a 2 hours project.. got my inspiration from magazines and books and put all the ideas together. njoy d view.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

concept art..

emm... da buat lama da.. bru rsa nak post...

Sunday, April 5, 2009


hey.. its been long since any new updates.. i'v been so busy with my research n last week after sending my proposal i didnt have anything better to do. i started some potrait paints just 4 fun.

here's 2 potraits of ... err.. donno who.. just thought she was easy to paint... hahah.. i hope she wont sue me for this.. :D

Saturday, February 14, 2009


another example of earlier post..
this took me almost 40 mins to complete.

digital marker sketching...

today's post is all about having ur digital sketch to look like manual marker rendering.
here's something i did in less then an hour.. look closely, there are blue pen ink traces making the render look sort of drawn by pen but indeed they were done using pen tool n later using stroke path.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

waja 2010

yup.. aku try redesign waja bg concept FL utk taun 2010..
keje yg dbuat dr pkoi 4.30 smp pkol 5 ni adalah utk mngabiskan
waktu opis aku.. ngeh3.. esk kalo ade msa aku tmbh detail lg..
komen d alu2 kan.. hahah..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

featuring the hairdryer

the illustration might a bit confuse u but anyways it was done in less then 8 minutes.. the trick is simple.. having an identical product image as a guide for good proportion n perspective.
although not seriouslly included with details, this artwork is ideal for speed rendering.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

working with details...

Last weekend, I tried making some artworks on details..
meaning - i focused on specific parts of a product n try to make the image as detail as possible.
Here's a sample of this kind of artwork.
Tutorials will come on my next post..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sail against all odd..

simple illustration yg ptutnya 5 minit pun leh
wat.. post aku sterusnya akan tnjuk proses2
nak wat 2d sketch yatch nih..

3d.. oo 3d...

tgk pada work budak2 3d skrng.. pehh..
trcabar seh.. ak rsa agak ktinggalan ngan
kepoweran diorg merender.. da lama gak
aku gna setting render skrng ni.. da 3 taun
beb.. xpe.. tnggu aku cuti blajar nnt..
byk bnd aku nak kena xplore blk..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

the making of primavera..

ni slh satu simple teknik aku nak wat illustration kete kat ps..

di akhir tutorial insy'Allah korg leh dAdd Imagept illustration camni lbh kurang..
xcntik dn xkemas sgt tp ok sbgai permulaan..
dn oo ye.. ni tutorial nak wat body kete je.. tayar nnt wat sniri..

aku start illustration aku gna canvas size 1600x1200. letak background putih..
1st bnd aku wat gna PEN tool dn sketch bntuk kete yg diidamkan.. smbung anchor poin dr pen tool jd satu profil lengkap.. da lengkap ak click mouse kanan utk kuarkan satu
tab. kat situ pilih MAKE SELECTION. pastikan anti aliased d tnda pd tab make selection dn click OK.
Anda akan dapati garis2 trputus trbntuk dr sketch yg tlh dibuat..
gunakan paint bucket tool utk fill kwsn sketch anda ngan warna yg dikehendaki.. apa yg akan jadi adalah seperti imej d atas..

skali lagi aku gna pen tool utk melakar bntuk detail2 kete lain.. tngkp, lampu dn sbgainya.. stiap detail ni aku letak pd layer yg brasingan supaya mudah d ubah2 pasni.. d pringkat ni aku x letak lg sbrng shadow atau highlight.. yg penting adalah utk letak smua detail2 yg ada pada kete supaya senang kt nak tntukan dmna shadow dn highlight akan trbentuk pasni..

kalo anda tgk pada rajah seterusnya.. (ewahh rajah tu.. heheh) aku da letakkn highlight ataupun kwsn yg berkilat yg kmngkinan akan muncul pd kete.
nak tau mne highlight ade.. emm yg ni korg kena tgk2 gmbar kete.. aku pkai bantai je.. wat lbh kurang je kat cni.. highlight yg baru aku buat ni aku wat atas layer lain. pastikan layer tu letak atas dr layer2 detail sblm ni..
highlight2 ni ak biasa gna wane putih atau cerah pastu kurangkan opacity dia.

pas da msukkan highlight2 td.. ak cdng utk msukkan shadow plak.. utk shadow aku profilkan sketch aku then fill in wane gelap atau itam trus.. mcm higlight td.. aku kurangkan opacity pd layer shadow td.. kalo dlm gambar sbelah - aku letak shadow kat hood dpn pastu rear kete.. warna shadow ikut sedap dn relistik d mata. d akhirnya aku tmbah beam pada lampu depan dan letak lampu blkng..

da siap smua ni aku marge kan smua layer2 td.. pastu kat mne yg aku rsa xkena aku edit blk gna dodge n burn tool utk highligt dn shadow...
setel ngan tu aku wat photo adjustment skit.. gna curves dn hue & saturation..
stakat tu je part 1 tutor aku.. nnt aku tmbah lg part tayar ngan background..