Here's my guide on illustrating cars using photoshop.. First of all, introducing Elticca..
the model is based on an Audi A4 actually.. heh..
Starting the lesson:
U'll need an adobe photoshop ( i used ps cs3)
Optical mouse.. no fancy wacom is used in this tutorial.
Step 1 - Getting basic shape.
Get the basic shape of the car.. this can be done either by tracing image or your scanned sketches; or directl imagination.
Using the pen tool, sketch the outerline.
Complete the shape and make selection for the area.
Fill color to the selection.
The idea of creating the outline n filling the selection is to visualise the form n space u need for the illustration.
Step 2 : Putting in details
Once again by using the pen tool, make in details such as windows, n lights.. make sure that you have everything in order n plan accordingly..
I did the windows n lamp first as they will need a bit more attention in future.
I profiled some lines to show the borders of the car boot.
Now everything starts to make sanse eyh?
Step 3 - Adding more details
Add tires, some lining here n there for the doors, windows, etc..
Plan how the tires shall be placed..
Further, try to understand where lights will come from.. this is important in car visual where highlights are available.
Step 4 - Highlights n reflects![](
Put in highlights that can be seen to the car rear n bumper. the highlights are there due to reflection from the car's environment. study some car pictures n u'll find this common in most cases.
Reflects can come from sun, skies, floor.. reflects are essential to show shininess of the car.
See closely at the back window.. I've added shadows of seats.. this is to show transparency.
Step 5 - Lining, highlight & reflective details![](
Detailing is always the key of making a better illustration. Add in lines where needed. Give a final touch up on the highlights especially at parts that can reflect lights from above.
Step 6 - IMage touch up.
Having your illustration done at this stage, try to play aroung with Image adjustment..
I tried changing the curves, hue & saturation, exposure n color balance.
That's all..